Phase 2: Safe Transition

HOORAY! Finally seeing the rainbow after the storm indeed.
As announced last night, from 19 June onwards we will be entering Phase 2. Majority of us are excited to be able to dine-in and head out to reunite with our close ones (capped at 5 people per group) once again!
That being said, we have to do so with measures kept in place for extra caution. Here is a summary of what goes on in Phase 2:
As we rejoice in newfound freedom, it is also essential that we continue to play our part to achieve a COVID-safe Singapore!
As emphasized by the government (taken from, there will be more new community cases as activities resume. Everyone NEEDS to exercise caution:
- Be socially responsible
- Practise good personal hygiene
- Ensure safe distancing and adhere to safe management principles
- Use SafeEntry when required, and check in and out using the TraceTogether app
- Keep number of contacts small and limited to your regular circle of close contacts, to protect yourself and your families
- Seniors, who are especially vulnerable, should continue to exercise extra caution and stay at home as much as possible
For your safety, RW has a list of essential items available for you:
100% ensure that you have sufficient supply of 3ply quality masks for you to travel to work, as well as heading out and about to gather with your friends (max. Group of 5).
As low as $17 only.
100% certain that each of you carry an Advanced Hand Sanitiser and use it regularly whenever you touch anything in public.
As low as $5.50 only.
100% ensure that your surrounding air is clean as there will be an increasing number of individuals heading out and about. Our DR.CLO Air Sterilisation Stick covers your home, office, car, fridge, bathroom and even pet area! Check it out!
Father’s Day Special: 50% OFF bundles.
100% certain that your office is designed with the government’s safety measurement with temperature-taking devices and auto hand sanitising dispensers.
It is ultimately our responsibility to live in a well-protected NEW NORMAL LIFE, so let’s do it once and do it well!